Product Pipeline & Targets
Holobeam is developing an advanced portable diagnostic x-ray system and two theranostic scanners, both capable of diagnosis and treatment. All three systems use our advanced holographic 3-D display technology, as depicted below in the illustration of our new portable x-ray system called Holo-X.
Doctors are now finding that true 3-D display is essential for properly analyzing pathology and planning treatment procedures, as well as for accurate guidance during procedures. Without accurate 3-D visualization, the quality of patient outcomes suffers.
Our AdvaNan nanoparticle product is designed to assist with early-stage disease detection and treatment.
An advanced portable 3-D x-ray system
Holo-X is a portable x-ray device that takes a single, low-dose exposure of a patient, and yet produces a color volumetric 3-D image, floating in mid-air, without the need for goggles or 3-D glasses. The image can be rotated and different planes or sections of the patient’s internal image can be erased or made
semi-transparent, as if a CT or MRI was used. Images of bones, soft tissues, and other features with different densities can be displayed separately, improving diagnoses. The patented specialized detector plate used behind the patient is currently in use with patients and has received FDA 510-k approval. This plate is being provided to Holobeam by its manufacturer, KA Imaging, Inc., pursuant to a joint development agreement. It uses their Spectral DR dual-energy triple-layer x-ray detector technology. This technology allows for the instant erasure of bones, revealing hidden soft tissue.
What it can do
Although the produced image rivals a CT or MRI image, it uses a patient exposure with as little as 1/100 the radiation of a CT scan. The system only costs about 1/10 the price of a CT or MRI scanner, and yet the image resolution is 7X higher than an MRI or CT image, allowing earlier detection of pathology than can be obtained with a CT or MRI scan. The 3-D display allows detection of disease pathologies that are sometimes missed with a conventional x-ray system, providing better patient care, increased treatment revenues, fewer missed treatment opportunities, and reduced malpractice suits. A quick bedside image can often eliminate the need to wait for a CT or MRI suite booking.
Smaller practices, as well as poorer countries, can receive the benefits of an MRI or CT scan with only the cost of an x-ray system. Diagnostic accuracy can be better than with a conventional x-ray system, CT, or MRI, allowing for better patient care and institutional financial benefits.
Product timeline
Product Prototype - 2025
Sales Begin - 2025
AdvaNan is a unique nanoparticle designed to help detect and treat cancer and other diseased cells
AdvaNan nanoparticles are designed to be infused into a patient when searching for pathology such as individual or small groupings of cancer cells or cancer stem cells which are too small to find or image with conventional equipment. AdvaNan nanoparticles will find these targeted cells and attach to them. They can then be detected within the body so they can be imaged and treated.
What they can do
AdvaNan nanoparticles have been developed and tested in animals to be non-toxic and safe, to avoid destruction and expulsion by the body’s systems, to find and attach to targeted cells, to remain within the cells long enough to be useful, to efficiently absorb energy teleported to them, and to efficiently convert the absorbed energy to heat. Mono or polyclonal antibodies are attached to the nanoparticles to guide them to the selected target cells. Components of the nanoparticles make them easy to detect by various imaging systems, which enhances the ability to teleport energy to them. The heat delivered by the nanoparticles can be used to assist conventional radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and/or hyperthermia in destroying cancer cells and cancer stem cells.
AdvaNan nanoparticles make it possible to find and treat individual or small clusters of cancer cells and cancer stem cells, allowing cancer to be detected earlier than with other imaging systems, when they are easier to treat and produce favorable outcomes. This unique capability also makes it possible to detect and treat metastasis and prevent tumor regrowth.
Product timeline
Complete Advanan Nanoparticle Development - 2025
Sales Begin - 2025

The HET MRI scanner Is an advanced MRI scanner that overcomes the drawbacks of conventional MRI scanners.
Conventional MRI scanners are extremely noisy and claustrophobic, requiring a patient to lie motionless for 30 to 45 minutes. As a result, many people are unable to have access to an MRI scan. Real-time monitoring of treatment is not possible with an MRI. Children and pets can only be scanned under dangerous anesthesia. The scans have a limited resolution of about 1 mm and therefore cannot pick up early-stage cancer, when it is easiest to treat. MRI scanners do not provide treatment for cancer. All of these drawbacks are eliminated with the HET MRI scanner.
What it can do
The HET MRI scanner can perform a silent full scan in a fraction of a second, allowing for real-time monitoring of cancer treatment, while allowing for scanning of children and pets without anesthesia. Resolution can be as fine as 7 µ, allowing for the detection of early-stage cancer, when it is easiest to treat. The HET MRI scanner can also provide treatment using Holothermia at the same time as detection and imaging.
The HET MRI scanner is a theranostic scanner that is superior to conventional MRI scanners. It is an all-around better tool for detecting, diagnosing, and treating cancer at an early stage, as well as at a late stage.
Product timeline
Prototype - 2026
Sales Begin - 2027

Portable HET Theranostic Scanner
The Portable HET Scanner uses teleportation of laser energy to produce detailed information and 3-D imagery (still and moving) of internal structures within the body to detect and diagnose cancer and other diseases. In addition, it can precisely place heat at selected points to enhance radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and/or hyperthermia, making treatment more effective and safer by eliminating side effects. Since it provides therapy in addition to being diagnostic, it is referred to as “theranostic.”
What it can do
Unlike a CT scanner, which uses radiation, the portable HET scanner uses no radiation. Unlike an MRI, which requires a patient to lie perfectly still in a claustrophobic tube while listening to extremely loud noise for 30 to 45 minutes, the HET scanner is silent and can complete a scan in a fraction of a second.
This makes 3-D volumetric video available to view dynamic cell processes, such as during cancer treatment, in real time. It also makes it possible for children and pets to have a scan without the need for anesthesia.
Although the resolution of CT and MRI scanners are limited to about 1 mm, the HET scanner has a resolution of 7 µ, allowing for the imaging and diagnosis of individual cells. Unlike with an MRI, there is no magnet, a shielded room is not needed, and the HET scanner can even scan patients with metal implants. When used with radiation therapy, the HET scanner heats up tumor blood vessels, causing dilation that increases oxygen flow, which makes radiation therapy 3X more effective. Due to the production of destructive interference, created by the HET scanner, the treatment x-rays are canceled in healthy cells, eliminating side effects and collateral damage.
When used with chemotherapy, coated chemotherapy molecules connected to tumor cells have their coatings dissolved, releasing the chemo molecules only in the tumor cells, leaving healthy cells alone. Again, heating of tumor blood vessels causes dilation, allowing more chemo molecules to get to tumor cells.
With both radiation therapy and chemotherapy, heating of tumor cells by the HET scanner releases specific heat-shock proteins that stimulate the immune system to help with the destruction of metastases and future tumors (using the abscopal effect).
The HET scanner can be used to help image and treat solid tumors. Cancerous tumors and cells that are conventionally too small to see can be visualized and treated utilizing Holobeam’s AdvaNan nanoparticles with our Holothermia protocol. Thus, cancers, including metastases, can be found and treated much earlier, when cures are possible.
The HET MRI scanner is portable, making it lightweight and less expensive than current MRI or CT scanners. The scanner can be transported in an ambulance, SUV, tank, or helicopter. It can also be wheeled up to a patient’s bedside.
The portable HET scanner is a disruptive breakthrough for the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer and other diseases.
Product timeline
Portable HET Scanner Product Prototype - 2027
Sales of Portable HET Scanner Begin - 2028